Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we went to Hardy and Judy's place along with several other friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with our "Winter Texan Family." We had turkey and all the trimmings you might expect, plus eggplant marinara. Turns out that's one of Hardy's favorite dishes, so Jan made it for him.

Bob and Pat, Hardy and Judy, Lee at front table

C.E. and Joanie, Jan and Steve

After dinner some of us walked over to Jan and Steve's to check out progress on their Texas room remodeling that Steve and C.E. have been working on. Where there was once a closet, there will soon be a mini-kitchen. Some of the wall tiles are up, including some decorative Talavera tiles from Don Wes Flea Market or from Mexico.

I talked with Ed today. They were celebrating with the Butlers. I Skyped with Terri. I'm still amazed that it's possible to talk to someone in Toyko for free. Blake is in New Zealand, so they'll have Thanksgiving on Sunday. I talked with Kelley. She has just split up with Mason and moved out into her own apartment.

I talked with Chris and Annie later, as they were on their way home from sharing a Thanksgiving celebration with friends. Before the meal, everyone took turns saying what they were thankful for--alphabetically. Chris had the letters O and V, for which he said "organic food" and "vegetables." Annie had P and W, for which she said "people she knew" and "water." Good choices. After dinner they played "Eat Poop You Cat." Yes, that is the actual name of a party game, a variant of "telephone" that involves alternately writing a sentence and drawing a picture illustrating the sentence and so on. Of course the paper is folded so that people can't see the earlier entries, leading to hilarity, of course.