Friday, November 2, 2012


We started the day with a quick bike ride. Then we fixed some crock pot veggie chili to take over to Dick and Carol's for dinner, along with the fixings for cornbread, salad, and pumpkin flax muffins. We left the chili cooking while Carol, Ken, and I went to see Argo.

The film is based on the true story of the secret rescue of six American diplomatic personnel who escaped when the American embassy in Tehran was stormed in 1979. The six were sheltered by the Canadians. Of course the movie takes liberties with the truth for dramatic effect, but the truth itself must have been quite dramatic. All of us enjoyed the film.

When we got ready to put the salad together for dinner, Ken discovered that instead of the nicely cut up salad veggies, I had brought a container of cooked oatmeal. So we cut up some more veggies and all was well.

After we watched the PBS Newshour, Ken went home. I stayed over so that I could go garage saling with Carol in the morning. That's our tradition, but last Saturday it was cold and rainy, not the kind of weather that invites people to hold garage sales or us to go to them!

I forgot to pack my stuff to stay over, but Carol had a toothbrush for me to use and a sleep shirt to loan me, so I was set. The whole household is quiet and dark very early, since Carol goes to bed at 8:00 p.m. I turned my light off at 9:00 p.m. and enjoyed a good night's sleep.