Saturday, November 24, 2012

Another Rainy Day

Well, actually it didn't rain much today, but it was overcast, gray, windy, and chilly. We didn't do much except listen to some of our favorite Saturday radio programs. Ken watched the Michigan-Ohio State game. Did I mention that he watched "unhappily"? The stadium was filled with red, and Michigan just couldn't keep up in the second half.

I talked with Ed. He's been having some allergic reactions, but he thinks he knows the causes, and they're foods he's eaten for years, so that's puzzling. Julie is in Florida for her cousin's memorial service, so Ed has the kids for the weekend.

We did do a little online shopping today. Ken's sister, Romaine, has given up driving and must rely on others to do her grocery shopping. Ken wanted to send her some food for Christmas, and we found an interesting assortment from Pittman and Davis. We needed to send something to Julie for her birthday, too. Amazon makes that easy.

We're still trying to figure out what to give the kids for Christmas...