Sunday, June 10, 2012

Around the Park and the Town

We're on site #182, a pleasant site with some roses and other plantings.

Looking out our window while we eat breakfast, we're bound to see rabbits. One comes regularly to smell the roses. Well, actually maybe it would like to eat the roses, but they're protected by wire fencing.

Each site has an identical shed and a concrete patio, but most of the lot holders have landscaped and decorated, and trees are all around. The shed on site #182 (where we are) has two birdhouses near the roof line. We thought they were just for decoration, but this bird evidently has other plans.

During our walk around the park, we saw many pleasant vistas.

This is the sign welcoming lot holders and visitors to the park.

And this is the sign inviting everyone to "Come back soon."

We walked around the neighborhoods near the park. Some homes up the hillside are nestled in the trees and have great views of the valley. A mobile home neighborhood has homes on large landscaped lots.

We walked into town (not too far), and one of the first things we saw was a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. Of course we spent more than an hour looking through all the interesting stuff.

Tonight we played Boggle. I won the first three rounds handily, but Ken won the last three. I accused him of sandbagging. He said I shouldn't let him win. All in fun.