Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back at Joe's

We haven't been dancing to Joe Saltel on Tuesday mornings, but Jean asked me to be her partner at that dance this week and next. Ken was gracious enough to drop me off at the dance and go to the library to work on his computer while I danced. Jean and I had fun, as usual, and especially the hot hash tip, which we danced with Linda and Hugh, Bob and Marilyn,and Harlan and Jean.

After the dance Jean had invited us over to her place to eat our packed lunch. She's renting in Pharr South, which is where Randy's afternoon dance is held. Jean has a spacious, cheery mobile home with lots of light. Outside she has a grapefruit tree and an orange tree--handy for breakfast fruit.

Randy's workshop was challenging as usual. I mostly enjoy his direct, "get it right" attitude. He keeps it fun. However sometimes he uses the dancers to go through patterns he has invented--mainly at his "Wacky Wednesday" dances, but today he had us doing some of those patterns too. They're the kind of thing that will never be called at a dance, and we really need practice on the basic C-1 calls.... He also played around with the challenges involved in doing a call twice in a row. Getting oriented for the second call can be problematic.

I went to the IBC Bank in the Shary Rd. HEB Plus to buy some savings bonds for the grandkids for their birthdays later. It's the first time I've bought paper bonds in many years, and the process has changed. Now you apply for and pay for the bonds, and the Fed sends them out. It's a good thing I had done some research on the process, because the tellers who worked with me clearly had never sold any bonds before.