Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sad News

My cousin Jan called this morning to tell us that George had passed away. He had been very ill for a while, but was home and had been doing well over the holidays. I'm saddened to think of Jan's grief at this traumatic loss. We will definitely miss that special George spirit, as will his family and many, many friends.

George definitely added spice to life!

George celebrating Thanksgiving with family.

Today was otherwise uneventful. We did make it out to buy provisions before returning to cocoon and watch a movie we had TIVO'ed: 2010, a sequel to 2001.

For dinner I fixed a beer-can chicken (though I actually use a coke can with water). They always come out moist and flavorful. There's barely enough room in my little oven to stand a chicken upright.

We played a couple of rounds of Perquacky. The first was close, but I won both, so I'll have to give Ken a chance for revenge soon.