Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

We started the year off right by dancing to Darryl Lipscomb this morning. The rest of the day was pretty quiet. I took a walk and ended up going along the levee over to the World Birding Center, hoping to see the tiger heron, the first ever sighted in the US. Lots of other people were on the levee there too--including a ranger with a scope pointed right at the marvelous bird, standing somewhat camouflaged in some tall plants. How lucky was that?

Our friends Gary and Mary Ann stopped by to wish us a happy New Year. They arrived back in Texas yesterday late afternoon, glad to be out of the Kansas weather. It was cooler here today, with a high around 67 and sunny--definitely better than Oberlin, KS, which is freezing and snowy.

We had pork roast and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, green beans, fried apples, brown bread, and cole slaw for a special New Year's dinner (no black eyed peas). I talked with Aunt Iris, who is helping out an elderly friend, Evelyn. Iris and Beth were planning a feast between them. I talked with Julie, who is unsure how much the medication is helping her itching. She has a sonogram and exam scheduled for Monday and will call with results.