Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Horizons Tour

The highlight of our day today was a visit to a New Horizons fifth wheel on view in our park, the prototype for their new wide-body Majestic line. The owners of the company are touring various RV shows and parks to show off their new model. It was wowing everyone who saw it today, including us. As Ken said, we've seen a lot of RVs described as "luxurious," but this one actually deserves the adjective.

The Majestic was featured recently on the cover of Trailer Life Magazine. Of course, as the article points out, the msrp rivals that of many residential homes, so it better have lots of luxury features and construction, and it does. Can you tell we were impressed?

But when we got back home, we had to admit that we really like our Excel a lot and have no plans to replace it anytime soon.

We were very disappointed to hear that the Supreme Court had struck down campaign financing limits on corporations today. We're afraid that corporate money, which already has a huge influence through lobbying, will have a disproportionate effect on future elections. None of this will be to the benefit of the people--at least those who are not CEOs and top execs of corporations.

I made cabbage soup for lunch, and Ken pronounced it delicious after admitting that he'd had his doubts when he saw how much cabbage was going into the mix.

Tomorrow we'll have to get up early in the morning to go back to the clinic to get the results of my tests. I am definitely feeling much better, but not completely well yet.