Friday, January 29, 2010

Dancing and Laundry

This morning we went to Darryl Lipscomb's dance, and I danced with Jean as usual. She had some sad news today--her mom had passed away, so she'll be flying to Indianapolis tomorrow. Mom was 87 and had a heart attack in her sleep, so a good life and a quick way to go, but it's still hard to lose your mom.

On the way home we stopped at Subway for a quick sandwich, got diesel and groceries, and then headed for the laundromat. Today they had power, so mission accomplished.

We reviewed more photos tonight. We've made it back to January 2009 and have trashed hundreds of photos--and at the same time revived some good memories of our travels last year.

Carol's grandson, Luke, was in the hospital with pneumonia last night, but is home today, although still very ill. Andy will have the kids this weekend. Hope he is doing better soon.

I'm improving, although still having upper respiratory symptoms. At least my head is much clearer.