Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We woke up this morning to the sound of my Droid alarm clock. Ed and Cate had left for work and school already, and we had a leisurely breakfast. I played with Sam, building a marble maze and dropping marbles down it, until he was picked up for preschool. Julie's friend has a son, Andrew, in Sam's class, so she drives the boys in the morning, and Julie picks them up in the afternoon. The 2-3 year old class attends on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 1.

Julie got out the sewing machine and tackled a zipper repair job on a chair cushion, which I was able to help her with a bit (although it's been probably 30 some years since I sewed a zipper). We found her zipper foot and got it on the machine, and then Julie found the manual because we had run into a dead end. If all else fails, read the directions.... I am really mechanically challenged, but between the two of us, we managed to get the job done.

Then we went shopping to Costco, Joann's Fabrics, and the Dollar Store, before going to pick the boys up from school. At Joann's I got the 10 feet of webbing needed for the center strap on the bike cover, so tomorrow I hope I can get the velcro sewn on it.

This afternoon Phil called from May's RV to say that Venture was ready. He is pretty confident that they found and repaired the leaks--but only time and a good rainstorm will tell. We'll go over in the morning to pick it up and move to Lake Park.

Cate is very fond of her new polar bear, "Poley." It's a character in a Barbie movie she has (actually, she has all the Barbie movies), and it talks. Tonight she asked me to hold it while her dad read her bedtime story. Sam mainly wanted to hear the Big Mouth Frog pop-up book again....

Ken has been kept engrossed by his new toy. The Droid has more capability by far than any of the previous Blackberries or Palms he has had.