Friday, November 6, 2009

Gorgeous Day

We ate lunch outside today, remarking on what a gorgeous day it is (76 right now and sunny). Unfortunately, some pesky bees thought our lunch looked good too.

We did our laundry this morning. At the laundry room I saw a card on the bulletin board offering haircuts (your place or mine) in the park, so I called and scheduled a haircut this afternoon. How convenient is that? I sat outside of Bonnie's motorhome and chatted with her while she cut my hair. I biked over to her site, and along the way my wallet fell out of my pocket. Ken called to tell me that some kind person had returned it to him. I felt very lucky to be in an Escapees park (and made a note never to carry my wallet in those pants again....).

We finally got around to sending in an application to join the Boomer BOF. BOF stands for Birds of a Feather, and is what the Escapees call their interest groups. The Boomers describe their group as "primarily a self-actuating social group of active, 'younger' full and part-timers." They use a website and bulletin board to let members tell what they are up to and issue invitations to other Boomers in the area to get together.

I made spicy black bean cakes for dinner, inspired by a recipe from the Splendid Table. They turned out quite good--just as promised: crispy and brown on the outside and creamy inside.