Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We had another unexciting day today. We reorganized some of the stuff in our basement storage (we always enjoy organizing). Ken replaced the batteries in the atomic clock and remote thermometer.

I defrosted the refrigerator/freezer because the temperature of the refrigerator compartment had gone up. When I talked to Terri later, she said that she had never defrosted a fridge . . .

We heard that Debbie Frith (Carol's daughter) had an ultrasound and found out that she is having another boy, to join daughter Christine and son Robby. Congratulations to the expectant parents and grandparents.

We watched parts 1-3 of a Peter Whimsey show on DVD, the Five Red Herrings. I think Ken has figured out the murderer, but we'll have to wait until we watch part 4 tomorrow to be sure.