Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back in Venture

This morning we went over to May's RV to check out the repairs to Venture. Phil pointed out some of the things they had done to stop the leaks, including removing screws and putting silicone on them. He said they really hosed it down and didn't see any leaks, so we'll see.

The water pump had been sounding almost like a machine gun in the basement, and now it's much quieter. We have reasonable water pressure again. The 1" Never Kink hose we had installed last year was kinked inside the E-Z Reel. This time we had a short piece of hose put in so that we can swap out the hose on the reel easily. They replaced the defective propane regulator and checked for leaks--none found. They checked the suspension, axles, and brakes, and adjusted the street side front axle brake. Now all we have to do is get the truck in for service. We're pretty sure we have a brake problem.

We hitched up with no problems and towed Venture over to Lewisville Lake Park, Site 39, which we had reserved some time ago. Ken even got the Qube to find the satellite through the trees on his first try. We also made a reservation for next April for Site 66, which has 50 amp electric service. They don't usually let 32' rigs in the 50 amp area, but we talked them into making an exception. We've had problems with running the electric hot water heater along with an air conditioner on 30 amp service at that park.

After lunch we drove back over to Ed and Julie's, where we were supposed to take care of Sam and Cate while Julie went for her O.B. appointment. Unfortunately, Cate's school had called to have her picked up because they thought she had pinkeye. Julie took her to the doctor, who determined that what she actually has is strep throat, which she has had several times before. The timing worked out that Julie had to take the kids with her to the O.B. appointment, so we missed some quality time with the grandkids.

We finally located a clinic with actual flu shots. Mission accomplished--we are now protected for the regular flu anyhow, and we are not in the priority groups for the H1N1 vaccine.