Thursday, January 8, 2015

To the Mall

We got up this morning and headed to the mall in time to walk an hour before the stores opened. That's much easier and less stressful than trying to dodge shoppers and kids. Afterward Ken exchanged a shirt at JC Penney's and then we headed to Costco to pick up a few things.

We spent some time today looking at bike and barge trips in France. There are so many possibilities it makes your head spin, so we quit for the day without making any choices. Ken enjoyed reading about one option that includes every luxury you can imagine, including gourmet meals and large suites, for only just under $7,500 per person for a week. Not likely!

I talked to Edward today. They have rented a house and will move in over the next couple of days. They were hoping to get as much moved today as possible, since the arctic blast will hit Lufkin tomorrow. Ginni and Clint were helping.