Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mall Walking in the New Year

 We watched the Rose Parade on TV, as we usually do. Ken lamented the fact that we don't have access to the local LA channel that plays it continuously and without commercials. It's a good thing we have a DVR and a fast forward. We saw some beautiful and creative floats and some talented marching bands. Usually we think it would be nice to be along the parade route, but not this year. It was 34 degrees in Pasadena and hard to believe that the Rose Queen and Princesses weren't frozen solid.

It was unseasonably cold and wet here again today, so we decided to go to the mall to walk. When we drove into the parking lot, it was a sea of cars, our first notice that the mall would be crowded with shoppers. We figure the economy here must be doing quite well, if the number of shoppers and shopping bags is any clue. We did manage to walk, though it involved dodging around the throngs of people, many of whom were pushing strollers or surrounded by small children.

While we were at the mall, we decided to add to the total sales for the day by going to JC Penney's to look around. We didn't walk out empty handed. After all the hustle and bustle and constant noise, it was good to get back home for a supper of nice hot split pea soup. We watched the Rose Bowl, at least until it was quite clear that it was a debacle. Oregon just ran right over Florida State.