Sunday, January 11, 2015

Imitation Game

We went to breakfast with our friends this morning as usual, but we were missing Hardy and Judy and Steve and Jan. Tim and Gayle joined Bob and Pat and us, so we still had a good group and a lively conversation. Afterward we went to the mall to walk and then stopped at Best Buy on the way home for Ken to browse.

This afternoon we went to Cinemark Tinseltown to see the Imitation Game. We had been looking forward to seeing it because Alan Turing is such a central figure in computation and the victim of a travesty of justice. The movie lived up to our expectations and more. Benedict Cumberbatch was convincing as Turing. We found the plot riveting and the acting emotionally compelling.

Tonight was Season 5, Episode 2, of Downton Abbey. We decided that we really need a "Previously on Downton Abbey...." or maybe a cheat sheet to keep track of the intricate soap opera, so we actually went back and watched Episode 1 before tonight's show.