Thursday, August 7, 2014

Visiting with Tom and Nanci

We had a new to us and very delicious concoction for breakfast this morning. Nanci cooks quinoa in advance, so you just scoop it into your bowl. You can eat it cold or microwave it a bit if you prefer warm cereal. Then you put on the fruit and yogurt, and again we had our choice of a wide variety of fresh berries. Yum!

We put a load of laundry in the washer. About the time it was in the dryer, we realized that we had better take our morning walk while it was still morning and before the heat of the day. We walked north on the Chehalis Trail, which is right around the corner from the Rowes' house.

When we returned, Nanci had folded and hung all our laundry! What a friend. Then Nanci and I went shopping/thrifting. We stopped by Dollar Tree and then hit the large Value City, where both of us found some treasures. One thing I got was a colorful Hawaiian themed knit shirt that will be just perfect for our trip to Hawaii in September.

We went on to Kohl's and the vacuum cleaner shop to pick up some bags for Nanci's vac. Back at the house, the wonderful zero-turn mower was out, and Ken had had a ride on it. Now it was my turn. What a trip! No wonder Tom loves to mow his lawn.

Nanci fixed another great dinner, featuring some yummy shrimp tacos. Of course we had ice cream for dessert (who would turn down ice cream with fresh berries?). We enjoyed just chatting with our friends. We miss all our Rogues friends. We don't see them often enough, so we love to hear what's up in their lives. The most surprising news is that Wes and Jenske are moving to a smaller place where they won't have landscaping and a swimming pool to keep up with.