Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Parkways and Terri Arrives!

Sunday Parkways SE is a grand celebration of bicycling, community building, fun, and a healthy, active lifestyle.  The route runs right by Chris and Anara's house, so it was easy for us to join the fun. Along the way Ken and I got some free basic bike repairs and advice. A really nice repair guy oiled my chain, added air to my tires, and adjusted my brakes.

Oregon Ferret Shelter

The route goes through three different Portland parks, but by far the largest is Laurelhurst. It has the most activities, with lots of food booths and vendors and entertainment. The highlight for me was As You Like It, with a unique approach to Shakespeare in the Park presented by Opsfest Shakespeare (Original Practice Shakespeare Festival: Because Shakespeare Should Be a Little Dangerous). The fast pace and improvisational feel were engaging. Unfortunately we arrived a bit late and didn't have chairs or blankets, so we had to stand in the back. We stayed only half an hour or so. Next time we'll go prepared.

Anara especially liked Circus Cascadia, which offers participants opportunities to learn and practice circus skills, like stilt walking, tightrope walking (on a low rope!), and others, including hula hooping. That's Anara's forte. She can effortlessly keep a hula hoop in motion while reading a book and eating a snack!

Ken didn't feel well, so he left us early to go home and rest and take some decongestants. Fortunately, he felt much better tonight.

Chris and I picked Terri up at the airport. Her flight arrived right on time at 5:25 p.m. Ken had the salad made and the lasagna baked when we arrived home. We popped the bread into the oven, Anara set the table, and we had dinner in no time.

This evening we walked to Powell's 2. Terri loves Powell's, and she purchased some books for Anara and herself. We dropped by the Goodwill boutique store, where I found a couple of nice items, including a pair of REI convertible hiking pants/shorts and a skort.

Back home we played the Quilt Show game. It was fun, but Terri was really tired after her trip and three hours of time change, so everyone went to bed early.