Thursday, August 21, 2014

Farm Tunes

We went to Kruger's Farm on Sauvie Island for a concert this evening. Held on Thursday evening during the summer, these events are billed as "Farm Tunes." Tonight's featured performer was Scott Law. People flock to the farm, especially families with small children, to picnic, dance, take hay rides, and listen to music.

We weren't among the first to arrive, but we still got a fine plot of ground to lay out our blankets, set up our chairs, and enjoy the proceedings. Anara enjoyed a snow cone, and the adults had beer and cider, before we hopped aboard the hay wagon for a ride around the fields. Kruger's grows a wide variety of crops and also makes products like pickles and jams for sale at the barn and at two farm stands in town (one quite near Chris's house).

Earlier today we walked to Hawthorne Vision Clinic with Anara for her eye check. She passed with flying colors. She did get some exercises to help strengthen her eye muscles to converge properly. She rode her bike to Clever Cycles for its annual tune-up while we walked home. On the way we passed Barber Q, which offers walk-in haircuts. Perfect! I had just told Ken I really needed a haircut.

After lunch we drove over to J & S to visit our rig and pick up a few things. It's looking like our repairs won't take place until after Labor Day--while we're in Hawaii. The parts were supposed to be shipped out today and arrive in 6-7 days.

Meanwhile we stopped at the 190th RV Storage lot to check it out. They are the only ones to respond positively to our request for temporary storage while we're in Hawaii. The place seems a bit marginal to us, but it will do if necessary. We'll see.