Sunday, August 10, 2014

Meteor Shower Party

We had quite an adventure this evening. Chris was invited to Barron's annual Meteor Party and encouraged to bring friends along (I guess Ken and I qualified as friends). Barron is one of the most independent minded, unusual people I have ever met, and his home and yard are an adventure in themselves.

We did not see any actual meteors. The skies were too cloudy, but we did see plenty of amazing things (including a fireworks "meteor shower").

The “World Famous” Woodstock Mystery Hole™--for more photos and info, see (and yes, we bravely descended into the Hole.

Chris and I on the "Suggested Photo Spot"

Our host, Barron, wearing his Mystery Spot tee shirt, surrounded by some of his former students

Hearth outdoors?

Climb up, slide down from the massive hedges