Monday, April 7, 2014

Twelve Years

We went for a bike ride this morning. It would have been more comfortable if we'd worn our gloves. As it was, our fingers were blue with cold and tingling with pins and needles when we finished the ride. I plunged my hands into warm water, and they immediately began to itch intensely. Next time I won't forget my gloves!

This afternoon we watched the Redbox DVD of Twelve Years a Slave. It's a gripping story and very graphic in its depiction of the inhumanity of the slave economy and the extreme cruelty visited upon helpless human beings. Solomon Northrop was one of the few lucky black freemen to escape after being kidnapped and sold into slavery. One of the issues raised is whether or not the perpetrators ever faced justice and retribution for their misdeeds. Solomon's kidnappers and those who brutalized him escaped earthly justice.


Tom and Donna Clapham said...

That movie was one hard movie for me to watch. I believe they overdid the abuse a bit. Very sad indeed. rockin'