Friday, April 4, 2014

INK and Nail Salon

After lunch today we went to Gainesville, GA (east of Cumming, on the other side of Lake Lanier), to visit INK: Interactive Neighborhood for Kids. It's a children's museum with a variety of "real life" environments for kids to explore and role play in. Cate liked the music room and the stage. They all liked the dentist's office and GrandPappy Airlines and the grocery store. Gainesville businesses contributed items like the dentist office chairs and the x-ray light board and x-rays. There's a fire truck and a sheriff's car and a dairy milking barn. The kids had fun.

Julie and Cate and I went to the nail salon for manicures and pedicures while Ed fixed a yummy dinner. Afterwards we all watched Disney's Frozen. It was easy to see why the movie is an award winner.

Meanwhile, back in Texas, Ken went to the Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine, where he spotted this interesting motorcycle.

He also opened a Redbox account online and rented three movies: Django Unchained, Enough Said, and All Is Lost.  Yesterday he went to the theater to see Gravity in 3D. Nothing like some binge movie watching!