Tuesday, April 1, 2014

DFW to ATL on AA

Our alarm was set for 7:00 a.m., which should have allowed me plenty of sleep. However I was busy until late getting packed for the trip and getting food lined up for Ken while I'm gone. And then my brain refused to get out of high gear, so I didn't get to sleep until after 4:00 a.m.

Ken drove me to DFW for my 11:55 a.m. flight with no problems. The construction at the north end of the airport is finally complete, and we've done this often enough that we remembered how to get to Terminal C. The flight was on time and uneventful. When we touched down and I turned on my phone, first AA called to tell me that my baggage was at baggage area one. Then I called Ken to tell him I was on the ground. Then Ed called, and we agreed to meet at the baggage area. What did we ever do before cell phones???

Ed is very familiar with the Atlanta airport, but he never flies American, which has a completely separate baggage area, but we met with no problems. It was great to see him waiting for me. He drove me to Cumming, to their new home on Pointe Vecchio Circle, not far from their old neighborhood. When we got to the house, Julie and the kids were out, but they soon came home, so I got plenty of smiles and hugs. (Of course I had already gotten greetings from Bijou and Charlie!)

While Ed and Julie fixed dinner, I played Ten Days in Europe with Cate and then Cha Cha Chicken with all three kids. With Ed's help I won the Ten Days game. Of course Cate won the chicken game--she has a great memory.  After dinner Julie and I took the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood.