Friday, April 25, 2014

On to Abiquiu

Today we left Alamosa, CO, and headed south to Abiquiu, NM, to stay at a Corps of Engineers campground on Abiquiu Lake. We were here once before, in August 2010, and liked it enough that we promised each other we’d return. We stopped at the post office in Abiquiu to pick up our forwarded mail and then went on to Riana Campground.

We’re in site #13 in the Pedernal loop. It’s a great site and relatively easy to back into. It’s one of the four sites we occupied on our previous visit, when we decided to come here on short notice, so we had to piece together various sites.

The Pedernal loop is named for the most prominent landmark in the area, the Cerro Pedernal, an unmistakable narrow mesa that looms dark on the skyline above Abiquiu Lake. Georgia O'Keeffe loved this area and painted the Pedernal many times,  and her ashes were scattered on its top

After we set up, we walked around the campground and then sat at our picnic table to enjoy the pleasant late afternoon with a view of the lake. It was in the low 70s here today, but the rest of the week is forecast to be cold, even freezing, so we’ll have to bundle up.