Friday, December 6, 2013

Paint Progress

Our painter, Luis, called this morning to say he'd be able to start on our job today. After breakfast we went to Home Depot to buy the paint. We bundled up to keep out the cold. It's been cold and overcast and windy all day, not the kind of day that invites outdoor activity.

We intended to buy Behr paint, but unfortunately they didn't have the base needed for one of our colors, so we ended up with Glidden (after consulting with Luis). We found some colors we liked okay and watched as the computerized paint mixer did its job and the paint shakers got the paint totally mixed up. We were feeling a bit mixed up too, with all the decisions that had to be made.

We took our new purchases home, and Luis approved of all except the ceiling paint, so back to Home Depot to return the two gallons of American ceiling paint and instead buy two gallons of Behr interior satin in pure white (at twice the price).

Ed's LinkedIn account announced that he had a new job, so I called to get the scoop. He said that his new job is looking for a job. He had an interview coming up this morning and interest from some other folks, so he's feeling pretty good about his prospects. Meanwhile they've put the house on the market. If it sells quickly, they'll rent something in the area so the kids can finish the school year in their current school.

Our friends are in Galveston this weekend to take part in the Dickens on the Strand festival. They went with coats and hats to complement their Victorian costumes. We're hoping they stay warm and enjoy the fun.

Luis worked all day (and into the night) prepping and painting, and he'll be back tomorrow early. The progress so far looks really good.

After dinner we went to Target, partly because we wanted to check out inexpensive boom boxes there (for our Christmas adopt a child). We also wanted to do some indoor walking. Target is a pleasant place, but pretty crowded, so our walking was a bit less exercise than we'd like--but definitely better than no exercise.