Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day

It rained pretty steadily all night and all day. It’s still raining. Not an outdoor kind of day, and we missed our exercise walks, darn it! It also just wasn’t a day for visiting Mexico or going to the Hidalgo Festival of Lights.

After breakfast, we exchanged presents and ate chocolates while listening to holiday music, making for a great morning. There was plenty of Christmas spirit to go around.

We decided to go to a matinee 3D performance of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The special effects were stunning, but the plot was thin, with long scenes of elves killing orcs, dwarves killing orcs, and assorted characters improbably surviving vicious attacks by orcs and a huge fire breathing dragon. The movie ends abruptly with Smaug heading towards Lakeland with fire-breathing death and destruction his aim. How will the townsfolk cope with this threat? Stay turned for the next bloated Hobbit movie. Definitely a let-down after the Ring Trilogy, at least for people who have read the books and love Tolkien.

After a dinner of leftover lasagna (the best kind), we played games and ate more delish birthday cake. Chris taught us how to play the game he gave us for Christmas: Battle Line. It’s an intriguing two-player strategy card game. Anara ably assisted Ken, and Chris helped me. We’ll have to play a bit more before we really have a handle on the tactics.