Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas in the Air, Friends Everywhere

This was our last morning together with Terri and Molly. We didn't plan any outings--just some Christmas cheer. I got to read Bialosky's Christmas to Molly. She doesn't really remember it, but she does know that Kelley loves it. We had stocking stuffers to exchange. Terri remembered my love for Turtles (the candy, not the reptiles). We had fun and munched on some Christmas candy and listened to Christmas music, starting with Terri's favorite,

After lunch we headed to the airport so they could catch their flight back to Dallas. Today is Blake and Terri's 20th anniversary. Blake is in D.C. now and will join them in Dallas in time for a family celebration this weekend.

One group leaves, another arrives. Our friends John and Sandy pulled in to Green Gate Grove today. They're renting a lot here for their fifth wheel and will be in the RGV until the end of March. Jan organized a welcome dinner for them, and everyone brought something. Of course the resulting feast was delicious, and all had a great time.

We heard all about the blowout they had yesterday on the freeway around San Antonio. They called 911, and the officer who responded was very helpful--after he had asked them, "Why did you call me?" He made a referral to an RV campground and service place that fixed them up and even refused to charge for coming out to where they were broken down.

Steve and Jan went to Jerry's dance this afternoon, but they didn't end up dancing. Steve was dizzy and disoriented by his two eyes not working together. His right eye has had the cataract removed, so he has good distance vision in that eye. The left is still blurry.