Sunday, December 8, 2013

Retail Walking

Our breakfast group this morning was quite a bit smaller than usual. Five of us gathered: George, Jean, Bob, and the two of us. Our friends were in Galveston, celebrating the Dickens on the Strand festival. From there, Hardy and Judy were preparing to leave on a seven-day cruise.

After breakfast we did some shopping--and some walking around Home Depot. At least it has nice wide aisles, although some of them turn out to be blocked or temporarily closed off. One thing about walking rapidly around the store multiple times is that you notice things that you haven't noticed before. Also, in Home Depot the employees often offer to help as we walk by.

We did find a replacement power cord for the TV in the Texas room--at Radio Shack. Radio Shack's offerings have changed over the years. Much of the front of the store is devoted to cell phones and accessories. But you can almost always count on Radio Shack to have random electrical parts.