Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jeff Is Headed to Korea

Jeff called his dad this morning from the Las Vegas airport, where he was waiting for his flight to Seattle and then on to Korea. He's stationed there for the next year. His uncle Kevin is keeping Pink, and the motorcycles are safely covered in indoor storage.

Ken heard some conversation from behind our site about a collision during the night. A police officer showed up after a bit to take a report. Our neighbor's truck, parked properly in its space, suffered a severe fender impact some time during the night. It was a hit and run, and no one remembers hearing the accident. What a shame.

When Ken cranked his bedside window closed today, he heard a popping sound, and the crank mechanism quit working. After some investigation, we determined that the window had popped off of the mechanism that moves it in and out. The whole thing is put together with rivets, and the mechanism is stiff, so it's unclear how to get the window back on track. Meanwhile it's just hanging there, which isn't a serious problem as long as we're sitting still, but it will require some care when we pull the bedroom slide in to move.

We went for a short bike ride this morning. It wasn't as hot as yesterday, but it was quite warm, so we decided to put off a longer ride for another day. This evening we walked. We were surprised by the number of cars parked at the Glenn Otto Park and spilling over across the street. This hot weather brings lots of people to the water to play and cool off.

It seems that everyone is moving away suddenly. Terri and Blake and Molly have moved to Tokyo; Jeff has gone to Korea; and Ed and Julie and kids are moving to Georgia. We'll miss all of them.