Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Golf With Friends and Rimsky-Korsakoffee House

We finally got a chance to see Charm, Tom and Donna's new Excel (well, new to us anyhow--they've had it for a year now). It has lovely hickory cabinets and wood flooring in the living area. Looks good and very practical too. The kitchen features a peninsula with stainless steel sinks and Corian counter tops. It's a great place to lay out snacks for a happy hour.

You can see that we were happy--very happy to visit with Tom and Donna. We last saw them in 2009 when we were in Portland and again in the RGV at Victoria Palms. Their winter home for the last couple of years has been in Hemet, CA.

We got a tour of Charm before sitting down to chat and play a game of golf (cards, that is). Then we played Sticks, a new card game for us. It's a rummy type game with a twist. Each player draws a stick with a specific requirement to be met. For example, one I got said "run with Q, K, A of hearts." Some are much harder than others. If you haven't fulfilled your stick in three hands, you turn it in and pick another.

After a nice visit and card games, we said goodbye--until we meet again. Then we went to the duplex to visit Chris and Shawn and Anara. It was too hot to cook, so we walked to Sizzle Pie for pizza and salads. Later we went to Rimsky-Korsakoffee House for special desserts. On the way we saw this carving of an eagle. Chris says it just appeared there one day.

Chris had a hot fudge sunday, Ken and Anara had banana splits, and I had Rasputin's Vice (mocha ice cream, chocolate sauce, and raspberry sauce). Service was very slow, and we had to beg them to bring us water. It was still very hot, and we were thirsty. A guitarist played flamenco style, adding to the ambiance. The desserts were delish. A visit to Rimsky-Korsakoffee is always an experience!

Anara packed up all her things and came home with us to spend the night. We did a much quicker job of setting up the blow-up bed than last time.

Shawn is dog sitting this week for a friend. The two old dogs need more attention than most. Shawn even sleeps in the house, with Amos (one of the dogs) on the bed, which isn't something she's used to. Shawn is also interviewing for jobs.