Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Again

From only five of us last Sunday morning at breakfast, we went to eleven this week. Our regulars were back (even though Jan is still fighting a cough). Our friends George and Zeta joined us too. The gang has decided to go this Wednesday to South Padre to go bay fishing. Spauldings and Pottingers have done this often before, but it will be the first time for Jean and Ken and me. We're looking forward to the day, but not to the prospect of having to be on the road by 6:00 a.m.!

We biked the state park again today. Ken didn't want to stress his foot, but he's generally improving. We got ambitious and cleaned the truck and the front and rear caps of Venture. Ken said he didn't think he had ever seen the truck so dirty. The combination of lots of rain and dusty/muddy roads really left everyone's vehicles a mess. Lots of folks were out taking advantage of the sunshine to wash trucks and cars today.

We're continuing to work on travel planning--for this summer of course, but also for our planned trip to Japan and either Australia or New Zealand in 2013. We can't really schedule it until Terri and Blake are settled in Tokyo.

We watched the final episode of Downton Abbey, Season Two tonight, and of course it's left us wanting more. Fortunately, Season Three is promised to begin in September.