Thursday, February 16, 2012

Drip, Drip, Drip....

All night last night it rained lightly, but let up during the day. We got our laundry done and walked around the park. We're still walking slowly since Ken's foot is still hurting.

We had visitors today. A couple stopped by and introduced themselves: Lee and Beth are fellow Excel owners and will soon be our neighbors in site #606. They have a schnauzer named Obi. They had been to the Excel luncheon and wondered why we hadn't been there. We had to admit that we're in the process of becoming New Horizons owners. They're interested in seeing one, so we promised to take them to see one of the Majestics in Bentsen Palm or Retama when they are moved in here.

We grilled a whole chicken in our little Weber grill today. I had to split it open and spread it out to fit under the lid--which just closed. The chicken came out delicious--but the top center of the breast wasn't browned. That's the part that was pressing against the lid. All in all it was a successful experiment. It sure keeps from heating the kitchen up.

Tonight we went to Darryl's dance. Ken danced all but two tips. I got other dancers to fill in for him, so it all worked well.

It hardly seems possible, but our departure from the Valley will be coming up soon. I made reservations at McKinney Falls State Park outside of Austin for four days and then at Tyler State Park for four days. It's a good thing I made the Tyler reservations, because there were only three sites left. The weekend we'll be in Tyler is Easter weekend and Azalea Festival and the Tyler State Park Dogwood Days. What a grand time to be in East Texas.