Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pics from the park

I had a quiet day in Portland. Chris was at work, and Annie was at school.  Tuesday is her Do Jump day, so we had a late supper. Then we played a game of Citadels.

The Lewisville area had much better weather today. Ken got some pics on his walk of the lovely sunshine and blue skies.

Heron on the lookout for lunch

It's Rebecca's 35th birthday today--Happy birthday, Rebecca! Ken called and left voicemails for her because he couldn't get through. Hope she's out having fun celebrating.

Ed and Julie went on their trip to the Cloisters at Sea Island Georgia. Ed's on a business trip but combining it with pleasure. Julie's parents are keeping the kids.

I did a load of laundry and ran the dishwasher. I wandered around on my walks and explored the neighborhood. I also spent more time today sorting through photos and choosing ones to be digitized. Lots of old memories.