Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Quiet Day

Chris got home early this afternoon, so I still had the morning alone. I finished sorting through photos--trip back to nostalgia land. I took a nice long walk and saw some of the sights in the neighborhood.

I've been enjoying the luxuriant spring flowers, especially the ones that require colder weather, like the tulips and bleeding hearts. The neighborhoods around Chris's house include lots of historic homes, some really well preserved and attractive. Portlanders are also rather eclectic in their tastes--note the bicycle theme at one local home.

When Annie got home, we walked downtown to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) to see Sea Rex: Journey to a Prehistoric World in OMNIMAX--an IMax format that wraps around your whole field of vision. The cgi made prehistoric sea creatures come to awesome life.

After dinner, we played a round of Ingenious. Annie won, and I came in second, but only because she had opened an opportunity for me on the last play.