Sunday, May 29, 2011


It was hot again today, but windy, so it wasn't quite as oppressive. We sat by the pool watching the water volleyball games and reading our books. We played three games of pool, and Ken won all three (the first two were very quick, since I managed to sink the eight ball early both times).

We got a Skype call today, from Jan and Steve. The connection was weak, but it was really good to hear from them. They've been pretty much out of Internet contact for a while in their gate tending job in the Texas oilfields.

We have both been itching, with several large welts. We asked Connie, the office manager, what might be biting us, and she said "Mosquitoes....they're really large." They must be, but somehow I haven't seen any of them. I've been suspecting fleas.

There are lots of cardinals flying about. One landed on a branch just outside our window and stayed there quite a while, putting on a show for us. We could see the feathers in his crest being blown about by the wind. Tonight on our walk we saw a bunny, a comical little critter that wriggled its nose, munched greenery, and seemed to be completely ignoring us.

Tonight we watched the second episode of South Riding. It's a somewhat predictable soap opera, but good performances and examination of social issues make it interesting.

Aunt Iris called. She is doing well, although finding it hard to believe that her 77th birthday is coming up soon. She caught me up on all the family's health issues. My cousin Penny had breast cancer surgery a month ago. She is seeking another opinion on what type of chemotherapy she needs now. Little Bobby (Uncle Bobby's adopted son) will have his foot amputated this week. He fell from a construction job five years ago, and the infection in the bone has never healed. My Aunt Janice has seen a neurologist to get some help with her legs. She is in a wheelchair and unable to walk. She'll see her regular doctor again on Tuesday. Beth hurt her back and is resting and taking ibuprofen and muscle relaxants. Not a lot of good news, but Iris did say that my Uncle Jesse and Aunt Essie are doing well.