Sunday, August 15, 2010

Moving Up

Site #15, which we had reserved for Monday-Thursday came open today, and the campground hosts invited us to move up to the Pedernal Loop. The campground is laid out on a bluff over the lake, and the electric sites are in the top loop, with a fine view of the lake and mountains. The sites are well spaced out, and we have plenty of parking room. Also, since we have 50 amp electric, we could run our air conditioner in the hottest part of the afternoon.

We drove to the dam and went to the Visitor Center, but it was closed. We decided to continue driving west on Hwy 96 to see the Cerro Pedernal from different vantage points in the evening light. As we drove we could see down to different coves in the lake. On a Sunday afternoon we could see lots of boaters and people partying, and even a couple of jet skis, but so far below us that the noise wasn't bothersome.

We finished watching a Nature episode called "Silent Roar: Searching for the Snow Leopard. The footage of the elusive creatures was beautiful amd fascinating, and the dedication of the photographers who spent four years in the Himalayas, braving cold and snow and high altitude, was remarkable.

In the evening we watched a Masterpiece Mystery featuring Agatha Christie's Miss Marple: The Secret of Chimneys.