Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Visiting and Laundry

We went over to Carol and Dick's house this morning. Carol was home on her one hour break from work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she usually has a longer work day and gets home after 3:00 p.m. So we had time to have a hug and a chat before she left.

Meanwhile, we brought over all our laundry from the last two weeks. We didn't want to break up our week on the lake with a drive to town and a laundromat. Fortunately Carol has a large washer and we had plenty of time, so we got it all done.

While the laundry was running, we took our walk. Major construction on a new middle school is underway, so all of the temporary classroom buildings are crowded around the old school while the rest of the block is being given a complete makeover. The school is scheduled to open in the fall of 2015, and lots of workers in hard hats were busy working on it. We walked farther west and then through the Tyler Junior College campus. We were particularly struck by the new Planetarium building, which has large letters around the top proclaiming it the Center for Earth and Space Science Education (CESSE).

Later Debbie came by with Sam and Robby to visit for a couple of minutes. She was dropping off Sam and taking Robby to his Cub Scout meeting before going to her choir practice.  Meanwhile, Robert was at work and Christine was at an after school practice for the school fall musical, Oklahoma! It takes a lot of coordination and taxi service to get all the kids to all their appointments and activities. I rode along with Carol when she went to pick up Christine after her practice and then to drop off Christine and Sam at their house. Christine was in charge of Sam until one of her parents got home. Whew!

Carol had leftovers of an interesting new recipe, fruit and nut chili, which we ate for lunch. She had spinach lasagna waiting in the fridge, along with brown bread. We brought some salad. No one goes hungry at Carol's kitchen!