Saturday, October 18, 2014

All Day Dancing in Paris

Today was a full day of dancing with friends, being challenged and having fun. We started at 9:30 a.m. and danced until 10:00 p.m., with breaks for lunch and dinner.

Most of the time we spent in the C-2 hall, but we spent some time in the C-1 hall as well. We did better than I thought we might, but not as well as we’d like. The only way to improve is to get plenty of floor time, which is what a weekend like this is especially good for.

We joined a group for dinner at the Sirloin Stockade, which has an extensive buffet, including a rather nice salad bar. We sat across from Hardy and Judy. At an adjacent table were Jim and Jane, Arnie and Sue, and Dick and Mary Ann. I find it difficult to talk with more than the people across and next to us, but we enjoyed the company. We heard a little about Hardy and Judy's cruise to Russia this summer. We're looking forward to seeing some of their photos and hearing more when we get to the Valley.

Sirloin Stockade

After the dance tonight, the callers entertained the dancers at an afterparty. Bronc Wise played his guitar and led a sing-along. Then the door prizes (provided by the Paris Chamber of Commerce) were awarded.

Bronc Wise entertains

Marty and Hardy, fearless group leaders for a gag song

Finally it was time for the main event: an ice bucket challenge. Darryl showed a video of his own dousing with the wicked cold stuff, during which he challenged Tim Ploch. Tim looked shocked. He's always dressed in a white shirt and gray western suit with leather boots, so he was encouraged to take off some of his clothing for the challenge.

Of course after a drawn out interplay, when he removed his clothing, he was wearing a striped union suit. Obviously he was in on the joke. Darryl then auctioned off the right to pour the ice water over, which went to a gentleman who bid $50. Of course all proceeds went to charity. Tim evidently survived the ordeal. It's definitely not my cup of tea, but the audience seemed to love it.

Tim Ploch in his striped underwear, ready for the ice bucket challenge

Tomorrow dancing starts at 10:00 a.m., so we get an extra half hour to sleep. We are both mentally and physically exhausted, so every little bit helps.