Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We went over to Carol and Dick’s around 11:30 a.m., so we all could beat the crowds at the Potpourri Restaurant.  This was our birthday treat and a chance to check out the place where Dick’s 80th birthday celebration will be held.

We all had the Soup an Salad and Potato Bar, which had quite an array of prepared salads. After lunch we did some window shopping in the store that surrounds the restaurant. It’s an eclectic boutique shop, with something for everyone, including lots of Christmas decorations just to get everyone in the holiday spirit.

But wait! That’s the wrong holiday—today is actually Halloween. This evening on our walk we saw lots of little costumed kids trick or treating in the neighborhood. Dick was handing out little boxes of raisins and bags of pretzels. We stopped to chat with several of the neighbors and take photos of their decorations.

We've been wondering if the neighbors across the street were going to put up their haunted house tents for the "Nightmare on Eagle Street." It turned out that the attraction had been moved to the rear of the house, and expanded. We didn't go in.

Another neighbor had transformed their garage into a Halloween party room, where lots of kids and adults appeared to be having a great time.

Carol took our photo standing by the skeleton on the front door. It's eyes light up with a baleful red glow. We are wearing our standard Halloween costumes: weird alien shirts we've worn for the last several years.

Of course many of the older kids were at the Friday night football game. Carol picked up Christine and a friend and taxied them to the game. Fortunately the friend's mother was in charge of getting the girls home.