Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Very Quiet Day

We're still not feeling well, although Ken does seem to be feeling better, so I guess there's hope. We went on a walk this morning. After a few minutes we returned home and put on insect repellent to keep the biting bugs at bay. We walked through the shelter section of the park and noticed these two boys sitting on a tree branch. I thought they were photogenic, and so did their mom.

This afternoon Ken spotted an armadillo in our campsite. We'd had our eyes peeled, because we expected to see some armadillos, but up till now haven't seen any. Now we know we're in Texas.

This evening we biked to the 75 Acre Lake. The sign had piqued our interest. It's a small lake, separated from the big main lake by a levee. It's evidently full of catfish, and very large alligators have been spotted here and in the main lake. We thought we'd left the alligators behind when we left Florida and the Gulf coast, but evidently they make their way inland too.

The itching from the welts on my face and head is keeping me awake at night. I hate biting bugs!