Monday, September 30, 2013

Frustrating Day

We were hopeful as the day started and our Majestic was moved into the “rain booth.” The idea was to spray it liberally with water and locate the resultant leaks.

Unfortunately, no leaks appeared. Hard to fix a leak that you can’t find and that evidently is not currently leaking. We were relocated to the far side of the factory.

After another discussion with Ken U., he decided to have the coach pulled back into the rain booth tomorrow. This time, the slides on the leaky side will be extended. Perhaps that will yield some results.

Meanwhile, we talked with some of the folks who have pulled in for service recently. One couple turned out to be Sandy and Jerry. We met them at the NHOG Rally in Kerrvile this spring. They had only one simple repair, so they’ll be leaving shortly. They're going to Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival HOP (Escapees Head Out Program).

We talked with a young couple from Boise, ID, Jeff and Donna. They are here because the pocket door in their Summit fell into the wall, from which local repair shops refused to even try to retrieve it. They were grilling buffalo burgers for dinner but tore themselves away long enough to tour our coach, the first Majestic they’ve seen. They seemed quite impressed.

Paul and Kathy are getting closer to being ready to leave. Yesterday they biked up to the state park. Once their punch list is finished, they’ll move up there for a shake-down before taking off.