Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quiet Day

Tony came to see us early this morning to go over the work order Ken Ullmer created from our list of repair issues. Tony could hardly climb the steps to come in because he is having severe back pain. He started on our list, but we don't know how far he got. He was working on the Corams' rig too. Ken U. says that both Dan and Tony will be working on our list tomorrow.

Meanwhile we learned that Fort Riley is having a post-wide yard sale Saturday morning, if we're still around (which we expect to be). Also, Junction City has a blues festival in the park this Friday and Saturday. We're afraid that the showers and possible thunderstorms forecast for Saturday will put a damper on the festivities.

We took some time today to do our trip planning, but it's all written in jello, since we don't know how long we'll be here. We did our laundry at Laundry Land also, and on the way stopped at a tire place. Ken spotted a nail head in one of the duallies. It wasn't losing air, but he figured it was a good idea to have it at a tire place when the nail was pulled out. The problem turned out to be a short screw that barely penetrated the tread, so we were sent on our way relieved.