Sunday, September 8, 2013

Alabamy Bound!

We left Crestview, FL, this morning and headed west, leaving Florida behind after our visit of 7 1/2 weeks. We very much enjoyed Florida, including our visits with family and our time at the beaches and hiking the Florida Trail, but we are ready to move on.

As we were moving on, we ran into LOVE BUGS! These pesky critters smash into windshields and every forward facing surface of the truck and trailer. It sounded like rain hitting the windshield, except that the bug guts stick like glue and aren't nearly as easy to deal with as rain.  We spent over an hour working on bug removal after our arrival at the Escapees Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, AL.

By the way, Alabama is our 40th state to add to our States Visited map (see the bottom of this blog page).