Saturday, September 28, 2013

Post-Wide Yard Sales

We had planned to get up early this morning to go over to Fort Riley for the post-wide yard sales scheduled for 7:30 a.m., but it had been raining pretty much all night and was still raining. I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. The weather finally cleared up, and we drove over to Fort Riley around 9:30 a.m. The young soldier at the gate checked our driver licenses and gave us a map of the base and directions to the best area for sales.

We had to drive quite a way to the Forsythe residential area, where we did find plenty of sales. Ken drove the truck while I walked from sale to sale. By now it was a lovely sunny day, and lots of folks were walking around checking out the sales. The problem for me was that over 90% of the items for sale were baby and toddler related, and most of the rest held little interest for us. I did have some fun getting out and about and looking for treasures, but I found very little. That's probably just as well, since we live in a small space.

One sale included an assortment of weapons, which were drawing some interest. I made a comment and the woman said that her husband was thinning out his collection.

He must have quite a collection!

We were interested to see whether any of the all night rain had leaked into the house. Unfortunately, it had: in the bedroom closet. The guys thought they had dealt with that leak. We couldn't find any water on the floor in the kitchen. These leaks are not going to be easy to find and fix.