Tuesday, September 24, 2013

On to Camp Horizons--Again

We were just ready to turn in last night when suddenly we heard truck engines around us. Ken looked out and saw construction vehicles unloading something that at first looked to him like it might be a jack hammer. Oh no! How will we sleep with a jack hammer pounding outside our bedroom window?

Ken went out to talk with the workers. The tool was fortunately not a jack hammer, but some sort of saw. They were cutting out part of the parking lot surface, but they told him that they were doing only a small area and wouldn't be working near us. We decided to try to get some sleep. After a few hours they packed up and left. This morning we woke to find this hole. Never a dull moment!

We walked towards the town this morning, hoping to see more of Perry, OK. We walked east on Fir St., US 64, the street we had come off the interstate on. We didn't see much until we came to N. 6th Street. Ken looked south and saw some promising looking buildings. We walked that way and came to the Noble County Courthouse. Perry bills itself as the "Pride of the Prairies."

In front of the Noble County Courthouse is a memorial to the Cherokee Strip Land Run of 1893, the largest land run in history. Perry had one of the land offices for that land run. The sculpture is named "Hopes and Dreams" and is a tribute to pioneer forebears.

(The lighting wasn't right, so our photos did not come out. This one is from Flik'r.)

Here's a view of a downtown street in this heartland town.

When we arrived in Junction City and pulled in to New Horizons, we immediately saw that Jim and Suella Coram are here. We met

Here we are, parked behind the service building at New Horizons. We have an appointment to talk with Ken Ullmer in the morning.