Friday, May 31, 2013


The guys finished up today, well ahead of our tentative schedule, so we now have four days to rest or explore or whatever before Romney's June Fling square dance weekend which starts a week from today near St. Louis. We gathered up our things from the customer lounge and said goodbye to Carolyn and Nancy before setting out to do our laundry and shopping.

Judy, Ann, Diana, and Pete gathered around the New Horizons reception desk.

We ran into Judy and Bob and Laundry Land as they were also preparing to leave Camp Horizons tomorrow. I made one last stop at Goodwill, where I found a nice artificial flower arrangement

We had nine of the halogen puck lights in the living area swapped out for LED lights which will draw lots less power, create less heat, and give off more usable light to boot.  Dan and Tony changed the hinges on the medicine cabinet door to the opposite side. Now I can put a mirror on the inside of the door so that when it's open, I'll be able to see the back of my head when I'm fixing my hair. Thanks, guys! They did a beautiful job and in no time at all.

Dan climbed up on the roof and opened the air conditioner to verify that the "squirrel cage" was not defective. Someone else put another cold air return in the living room ceiling, which had only a small effect on the air flow. We'll be monitoring the results.