Thursday, May 9, 2013

Breakfast With the Gang

We go to breakfast pretty much every Sunday morning with our friends when we're in the Rio Grande Valley for the winter, but breakfast with the gang goes on hiatus for the summer. Except that this morning we were invited to join a group from Lone Star Corral who go to breakfast together every Thursday morning year round. We met them at Bill and Rosa's Steakhouse and Saloon in D'Hanis, which is just five minutes up the road.

When we walked in, we found two long tables full of folks from the park. All the men were at one table, and all the women at another. The server manages to keep track of which people go together. She must have a really good memory. I had a breakfast taco, which was delicious. It was more like an omelet in a flour tortilla, served with salsa and sour cream and filled with all kinds of goodies. We had thirteen women at our table, but of course I actually got to chat with only five or six of them. I sat next to our friend Sue Guthrie, and she helped break the ice, but everyone we've met at Lone Star has been very friendly.

We biked this morning and walked this evening. The weather forecast sounded somewhat ominous, with chances for thunderstorms, but most of the day it was just overcast, and we never saw any real rain. We found a new little historic cemetery on our walk, next to the ruins of a large limestone church. A sign out front says "Renovation Contemplated" and asks people not to remove any stones. The cemetery was in used from 1847, when D'Hanis was founded, until 1893, when it was closed due to a diphtheria epidemic.

Although it's a very old cemetery, it has some newer markers, generally placed by admiring descendents.

We're trying a new solution for transporting our ladder. It has never fit well in the Majestic cargo space. The clubhouse here has a table of donated items looking for a new home. We were happy to make a donation in exchange for a ladder chair rack. We've seen them used to attach ladders to the RV rear ladder and wanted to try it out. It appears that it will work out fine for us.

We are very glad that the park here has wifi, since our Verizon modem is not working. We called Millenicom, but so far we're still getting an error code when we try to connect. The Verizon signal here is pretty weak, so we'll try calling back tomorrow when we hope to have a stronger signal at Canyon Lake.