Friday, May 3, 2013

Rally's End

Today was Ken's daughter Rebecca's birthday. He called to wish her a happy birthday. She said that Troy and Cathy were taking her out for dinner, but she didn't know where.

Today was the final day of the 2013 NHOG Rally. We started this morning with a very informative, thought provoking, and downright hilarious session on backing and parking a fifth wheel. It was held in the Buckhorn Theater, and the seats were packed. All of us could use some tips on the best ways to get from point A (on the road) to point B (elegantly placed in the campsite). As usual, Tim found a way to make this vexing topic fun. He showed a short video titled "The Scoop: How to Back Up a Towable RV," just to get us all in the mood.

One of the experienced Buckhorn Lake Resort wranglers picked up from there and showed Mark Polk's video on how to back and park a fifth wheel trailer. He took questions from the group--and there were lots of questions. We certainly learned some good tips.

Next we went to a session titled RV Tech #2. Neil Laubenthal has years of experience in the tech world. He shared some really eye opening info about password security (bottom line: to be secure, your passwords must be at least 17 characters long ....). He also talked about apps for smartphones and tablets.

We went to a gadget session, where each couple had the opportunity to "show and tell" one gadget. We showed off the Camco folding bucket we won at the Escapade last summer. One couple showed off a pair of folding full-size mountain bikes that come in travel cases.

This evening we had a delicious assortment of dishes for our potluck supper, including some outstanding baked salmon and great salads, not to mention the desserts. Of course we all enjoyed the meal, but didn't exactly stick to our usual healthy diets.

The closing event was a white elephant exchange.