Saturday, February 23, 2013

More Looking

After breakfast we set off again to check out possibilities at Green Gate Grove. One of the units for sale won't be available for viewing until March 1 because someone is staying there now. We made an appointment to see the other one. Site #133 is on Starling Dr., not far from the clubhouse. It has a patio awning with sunshades, tiled patio, tiled Texas room, and shed in the rear.

Because of Ray's health, owners Ray and Twyla have bought a house in Green Gate Grove on the north side site #105. Their home is a ranch in South Dakota, but they've been wintering in the Valley for several years and really like Green Gate Grove.

When they bought lot #333, it had only a shed and RV pad. As you can see, they've made substantial improvements. They moved the shed to the rear of the property and built a spacious Texas room. They also tiled the patio area and installed a large patio awning with sunshades for the southern side.

The Texas room has a main living area with mini-kitchen; the utility area and bath include a washer and dryer and large stall shower. After we toured it we called Jan and Steve to see if they could come look at it, but Steve was out fishing. We agreed to come back around 5 p.m. when Steve returned.

That plan has been postponed until tomorrow after breakfast. Steve called Jan and reported that the boat had stayed out late because the fish weren't biting well, so he didn't expect to get home until around 8:00 p.m. We are definitely interesting, pending Steve and Jan's inspection.

We did stop by the place to take measurements to verify that our fifth wheel will fit in the space where the motorhome now sits. We've decided that it will fit if we put our wheels a foot more toward the edge of the driveway to allow room for our living room slide to miss one of the awning supports. We were walking around the park for exercise and to check out other possibilities when we stopped in to see Jan briefly. We interrupted her dinner, but she munched while we talked. She showed us her new oven, a Sharper Image tabletop. It cooks without added fat and doesn't heat up the house like a regular oven.

As we were walking later, we ran into Judy, who invited us back to the house for a margarita and chat. They walked over to #333 with us. It's behind their lot and about four lots further north. Judy especially liked the fruit trees. Of course the Texas room was locked, and it was dark, so they couldn't really see much. We're looking forward to having them and Spauldings look it over tomorrow after breakfast.

John and Sandy will be renting a lot in Green Gate Grove next season, so we'll have a full square of dancers in the park. We can probably start a tape group!

We looked at and/or called on several rental possibilities, but none of them was to our liking. Many of the sites listed either online or on the handout supplied by the office are no longer available.