Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Walk in the Country

Well, we started off this morning on what was to be a ten mile bike ride. When we started out, Ken realized that his bike has a flat rear tire. Darn, we must have really annoyed the bike tube gods. Ken's tires are Kevlar, and for three years he had no flats. In fact, we told our friends that we'd never had a flat on our new bikes. Wrong! Since then, we've had nothing but flats!

We decided to walk instead. We've been intrigued by the unpaved section of Military Highway west of Bentsen Palm Drive, so that's the way we walked. We had only an hour, so we didn't get very far. The next time our bikes are fit, we'll bike that way and see what we can find. Today we saw very few vehicles. One Border Patrol SUV slowed to a stop just ahead of us. We thought he might want to talk to us, but it seemed that he just wanted to check the ditch by the roadside, presumably in case someone might be hiding there.

We danced to Jerry this afternoon. We didn't get to dance with Hardy and Judy, but we did get to hug them and ask about their adventures. Jim and Jane had lots of photos of their Mardi Gras celebration, and Judy gave out beads. They had lots of fun. They rented a house. The group included Hardy and Judy, Jim and Jane, and some of Jane's kids and spouses. Jane enjoyed riding in a float in one parade and throwing out beads, but she really likes dressing up and cheering the parade on while being inundated with beads.

Jerry was calling some difficult stuff, especially a tandem phantom chain reaction. I still haven't really been able to visualize the flow of that one. After the dance, Judy gave us a large bag of grapefruit off their tree. The fruit are small this year, but sweet and flavorful. The drought affects the trees.

Tonight we all went to Joe's dance. We had seven squares and one woman. At Jerry's today we had eight squares, and many of the same dancers go to both.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist, just to check out my incipient macular degeneration. We'll see what he has to say.


Tom and Donna Clapham said...

Those dawg-gone south TX "goat heads" are hell on bike tires for sure!!! rockintom